Remember when the telegraph was replaced by the telephone, or when the adoption of the “automobile” rendered real live horse power obsolete?….OK maybe not in your life, but there have been a FEW significant changes to the “activities of daily living” in our lifetime. 😉
Well, here comes another big one. As a “tech geek” I have been without cable or satellite tv for a few years now and I (legally) “stream” everything I want to watch from the interweb, through my TV. I would not recommend the process to the average “arm chair quarterback”. It’s just not that simple. However, the transition to watching TV/video online as opposed to the old way has been moving steadily, with the old standard losing significant market share over the last 10 years, but I think this new technology from Sony Playstation may be the proverbial “nail in the coffin” or at least the “writing on the wall” for cable/satellite providers. I seem to be “quoting” a lot in this post, so I will finish off with one of my favorites. “The king is dead. Long live the…. Queen”?
click this link to learn more about the Sony Vue:,2817,2472078,00.asp